So I started out my day by renting bikes in Hyde Park with 3 other girls, something I've been wanting to do for a while. I'll have to steal pictures to show you that one...
Then I went on to shopping, buying my last pastry, getting an extra carry-on for all the stuff I've accumulated, and packing.
I thought I was done for the day but it was only 5 pm and that seemed much too early :-)
So I decided to walk over to Hyde park with some girls but then split off from the group to go read by myself for a while. I was walking on my favorite garden path, stood under my favorite tree for a while, then carried on in my merry way. I was stopped by a squirrel. Not really an unusual occurrence. I mentioned in my last post that I would miss our silent conversations...but this squirrel wasn't silent. He looked at me...stepped a little closer...I shrugged as if to say, sorry little guy I don't have any food...and he POUNCED!! He jumped onto my leg, dug his little claws in and started to climb. I shook him off really fast. He jumped off gracefully, looked up at me as if to say, what?, and then walked lightly away as if nothing had happened.
I was in hysterical laughter for the next like 10 minutes. Completely hopeless. I must have looked like a crazy person walking around and laughing to myself.
My only regret is that I kind of wish I could have gotten a picture first but for some reason that wasn't really going through my mind while the furry rodent was attached to my leg. Stupid chelsea. Ah well... next time.
Here's my proof! As I was walking I realized my leg was bleeding. Luckily I'm pretty much a boy scout and had a band aid ready in my purse.

Kind of a weird angle but you get the picture. Who knows what germs he carried in those little talons?? I could have rabies!
Mostly I just sort of feel like London was giving me a hug the form of a squirrel...who maybe wanted to mate and thought my freshly-shaved legs looked pretty good.
Surprisingly this squirrel incident didn't keep me from my goal. I took the tube to Westminster

and continued walking until I got to the pier and national theater

And then I ended up crossing Millennium Bridge and going to St. Paul's

The great thing is that I never really intend for these journeys to happen. I'm walking towards the tube stop with a vague idea that I should say my farewell to the city, and then a couple hours later I find myself feet-sore and happy on the steps of St. Paul's. You really never know where you'll be swept off to :-)
Love you London. Crazed squirrels and all.
K, I'm officially done with posting today. Next time I write I will be state-side! Playing catch-up with all the posting I have neglected :-)
Oh the London Eye... how I miss England and traveling!