Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'll sleep when I'm dead

So we've only been in London two days and already my group has decided on a theme. We've decided that the catch phrase of this trip will be, "you can sleep when you're dead". So far it has proven all too true. Right after I finished writing my blog post last night and telling you all that I would be passing out momentarily everyone came home to the flats and it was complete chaos. There was a big group going to Westminster and as much as I wanted to shower then just collapse in my bed I can't pass up a good party! I don't want to be known as lonely loser girl who goes to bed while everyone else is out exploring! So with like 2 hours of sleep in me I decided to suck it up and go. I didn't actually get to sleep until around 11 last night. But I slept well!

So here's my current dilemma. Woke up this morning, went to class, wanted to take a nap, didn't take a nap, went to primark, went to buckingham palace, explored the city, went grocery shopping, and now I'm home. I'm so ready to pass out again. But do I? Do I take the risk of choosing sleep over adventures? I keep thinking I have 6 whole weeks here so why try to push too many things into this first week but what if time goes by really fast? I don't want to miss a thing or have any regrets!

There's a group of people who are going to leave our flat at midnight to camp out for the royal wedding. Honestly, I'm not that invested in the wedding. I think Will and Kate are really cute but what is there to see? It's not like I've been invited to the ceremony. Also, I'M AMERICAN, which no one in my group seems to understand. These people are not our royalty. We have no allegiance to them so why are we as Americans making such a big deal out of this wedding? There are some girls in my group who think this attitude is blasphemous and would probably punch me in the face for that but it's true. But then again, as I've already said, I can't pass up a good party and apparently there is a VERY good party going on in Westminster right now. We were down there today and it was pure madness. Tents everywhere. People wearing masks of the queen's face. So hilarious. So maybe I'll go? I can sleep when I'm dead right....?

Also, I decided to include a picture of Gloucester Station. This is the underground stop closest to where I live. This is where I got off the train for the first time. Isn't it so cute?? Seriously ALL the buildings look like this. Everything is so old! I'm dying. The girls I travel with are making fun of me because everywhere I walk I am bumping into people. I can't focus on the road in front of me. It's actually really funny. I almost hit this guy head on yesterday because I couldn't take my eyes of this apartment building and they were like uhhh WATCH OUT! No harm done though. He's okay. Also, I haven't been hit by a car yet...heh heh It's a matter of time.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Just touched down!

I'm here! And I can't believe it. The flight attendants for Virgin Atlantic (which was awesome by the way) were British and had these adorable outfits and sounded like Adele when they spoke. So I already felt like I was in England! I boarded aplane last night at 9:15 and 10 hours later I was groggy and going through customs (yes, I made it through safely and wasn't thrown into jail). I'm actually in complete shock right now that I made it to my flat ok. Considering how out of it I was coming through the airport and getting on the tube it's sort of a miracle that the 15 minute walk to my apartment went without a hitch. I thought for sure that I would lose it but people were really nice and helpful and gave me directions. I already love the britts and I've only been here a couple hours!

The only downside to traveling alone is that I kept on getting really excited about things and I wanted to point them out to someone but no one was there! I'm realizing how much I miss traveling with my family. When we wer
e younger we'd always go exploring together and everyone was on the same excitement level. Actually, if my family were here with me we would never get anything done because we would be stopping every 5 seconds to look at some statue or church or bistro. The buildings here are so old and beautiful I can hardly stand it. i just want to go explore all of them!

Anyways, that was my first day. A lot of standing in lines and walking around but I'm sooo excited and relieved to be here. I think I'll go pass out now.


(Also, I totally took some really cute pictures but I can't upload them right maybe I'll just do that tomorrow. Sorry to disappoint!)

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Honestly, how am I supposed to fit my life for the next 6 weeks in one tiny (maybe not so tiny) green bag?

Can you tell I'm excited??

About to jump the pond...

Cheerio everyone! Pip pip! (This is how they talk in London...)

So here's the thing. In light of my impending travel abroad I thought it might be a good idea to start a blog! Which I have never done before. And I'm not sure I ever intended to. After all, I'm not married, I don't have any children (or even any pets), I'm not a photographer, fashion designer, cook, or note-worthy artist, so really what do I have to blog about? Nothing. That's what. I have very little to offer the blogging world, and I think I always had this secret fear that if I started a blog no one would ever look at it and I would just end up depressed and embarrassed and wishing the whole thing would disappear... No hard feelings of course. I wouldn't blame you. Really I probably wouldn't even read my own blog and I have a vested interest in my life.
So here's my solution! I'm about to embark on a life-changing adventure and I think that I finally have something worth sharing with the blogging world. I am going to treat this blog like a personal journal. This is for me. I want to keep track of my memories and be organized about it because otherwise I will never get anything done. I'm not a scrap-booker so I figure this is my best chance. What this means for you is that I will do my best to keep you updated on all my escapades and shenanigans while I'm abroad. This includes pictures, journal entries, the whole sha-bang. Lucky you! Right??
As of right now I'm sitting in my parents little beach house trying to cross all the t's and dot all the i's before I depart on Tuesday night. I think I'm prepared? But I never can get rid of that nagging feeling that I might be forgetting something. My worst fear right now (other than getting lost in the tubes when I get off the plane) is that I don't bring everything I need to get through customs and they take me into custody in the Heathrow airport and I'm thrown into jail and treated in inhumane ways. No call home. Trapped there for all time. Some might say this thought is paranoid but others might say good for you. That's logical. Be prepared. Hopefully this will not happen and if all goes well the next time you hear from me it will be in the safety of my flat in Hyde Park Gate.
So until then, cheerio gov'ner, hope everything's the "bees knees", blimey, and all that good stuff. "Chat me up" sometime, eh "ducky"?
(As you can see I've been practicing. I'll fit right in)

Ta ta!