Sunday, April 24, 2011

About to jump the pond...

Cheerio everyone! Pip pip! (This is how they talk in London...)

So here's the thing. In light of my impending travel abroad I thought it might be a good idea to start a blog! Which I have never done before. And I'm not sure I ever intended to. After all, I'm not married, I don't have any children (or even any pets), I'm not a photographer, fashion designer, cook, or note-worthy artist, so really what do I have to blog about? Nothing. That's what. I have very little to offer the blogging world, and I think I always had this secret fear that if I started a blog no one would ever look at it and I would just end up depressed and embarrassed and wishing the whole thing would disappear... No hard feelings of course. I wouldn't blame you. Really I probably wouldn't even read my own blog and I have a vested interest in my life.
So here's my solution! I'm about to embark on a life-changing adventure and I think that I finally have something worth sharing with the blogging world. I am going to treat this blog like a personal journal. This is for me. I want to keep track of my memories and be organized about it because otherwise I will never get anything done. I'm not a scrap-booker so I figure this is my best chance. What this means for you is that I will do my best to keep you updated on all my escapades and shenanigans while I'm abroad. This includes pictures, journal entries, the whole sha-bang. Lucky you! Right??
As of right now I'm sitting in my parents little beach house trying to cross all the t's and dot all the i's before I depart on Tuesday night. I think I'm prepared? But I never can get rid of that nagging feeling that I might be forgetting something. My worst fear right now (other than getting lost in the tubes when I get off the plane) is that I don't bring everything I need to get through customs and they take me into custody in the Heathrow airport and I'm thrown into jail and treated in inhumane ways. No call home. Trapped there for all time. Some might say this thought is paranoid but others might say good for you. That's logical. Be prepared. Hopefully this will not happen and if all goes well the next time you hear from me it will be in the safety of my flat in Hyde Park Gate.
So until then, cheerio gov'ner, hope everything's the "bees knees", blimey, and all that good stuff. "Chat me up" sometime, eh "ducky"?
(As you can see I've been practicing. I'll fit right in)

Ta ta!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Jump in the pond by all means for all of us who maybe didn't do it enough!
